Friday, March 29, 2013

Hi everyone!

I'm a teenager in New Jersey, and I'm obsessed with fashion. After college, I aspire to go into the media aspect of fashion, either public relations or the magazine industry. But right now, I'm just trying to get through high school without drowning in the workload.

I find a lot of blogs on the internet that have preppy fashion ideas for women, like Extra Petite and Style Up (two of my favorite fashion blogs), but usually their outfits are too formal for school and can only be worn during special occasions, such as school trips. So, I decided to take matters into my own hands and create a fashion blog for teenage girls who appreciate a preppy outfit but want to avoid looking like they are going to office every day.

This is my first blog, so I am open to opinions and ideas! Comment with any questions/suggestions you might have!
